Happy New Moon in Pisces my loves. 

I don’t know about you, but life has felt WILD of late. 

I feel myself expanding and growing like never before. The time off I took the other week has ignited a whole new wave of growth that is in one parts so exciting and in others sticky and terrifying! I have big goals for Luna Circle this year and as I move into these goals, I feel the Universe asking me to level up like never before. 

This level up has been brewing since early 2023 (if not my whole damn life!) but I feel like I’m on the precipice of such enormous change. 

This past week I’ve been pondering my identity as not only the Founder of Luna Circle but also as Emily. I’ve been receiving such WILD visions of the future (thank you Pisces New Moon) and of our connection to the Universe (we are ALL connected). There have been synchronicities and signs EVERY where, to the point where it makes me giggle at the undeniable magic of this world. The veil between the other worlds has been SO thin and I’ve been connecting deeper with my soul and other beings more than ever. I’ve sensed the vast expansion of reality and all the wonder, terror and splendour of it all. 

But more than anything, I feel myself being stretched and ushered deeper into my True Nature day by day by day. And all I can do now is SURRENDER. Like never before. Trusting in my path, trusting that everything is happening just as it should. That my soul chose this life for a reason, and all I can do is create space to follow, follow, follow. 

So know that if you’ve been feeling any of the above, you are one of the lucky ones. To be awake in this life, to feel the full depth of reality (the good, the bad and the incredible) is truly a gift. 

So this is a post for all those on an awakening journey, I’m walking right beside you. 

With love,

Emily xxxxxxxx


“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” Deepak Chopra 


The Inbetween