“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” Deepak Chopra 

My life has been quite the journey. When I look back over the last 6 years, I have to remind myself just how far I’ve come. This life I’ve built, this business, didn’t all just come to me overnight. It has something that I’ve strived for. In the quiet moments that nobody sees. In the brave steps that lots more of you see. And I can honestly put it down to CREATING SPACE. This space has allowed me to meditate, to filter my thoughts, my behaviours. It has allowed to connect deeper with my body. It has allowed me to write down my dreams and all I want to manifest from this existence. It may sound simple but if you want something to change in your life - CREATE SPACE. It will begin to open up your life is so many ways. My advice for creating space in your life is that it doesn’t have to be a big amount of space. The beauty of 5 minutes will always astound me. Allow yourself to be present during those 5 minutes, begin to notice your body, your mind and your soul. This modern life requires our attention so much. You deserve to have that attention on you (if even for a short time). 

If you want support in creating more space in your life, I have just a few spaces left for 121 chakra healing this month (book via link in bio). Plus will be announcing some new 121 offerings later this Spring ~ so do watch this space. 

With love,

Emily xxxx


“It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us” Gabrielle Bernstein 


Happy New Moon in Pisces my loves.