I’m prioritising my body more than ever

Right now I’m prioritising my body more than ever. Prioritising it’s wants and needs. Listening to what it wants to eat, how it wants to move, when it wants some deep rest. But most of all I’m prioritising my emotions. I used to be afraid of my emotions. I pushed them down, pushed them away, pushed them out of sight. But no more. I’ve come to realise that every *single* emotion is a gift. And even the sticky, uncomfortable and painful ones. A gift to understanding myself better, to nurturing myself better, to growth and ultimately deeper authenticity, alignment and truth. 

Never forget that your emotions and your body are incredibly linked. That within your body is held wisdom beyond belief. Create space to listen to your body, and to your emotions ~ because they will truly lead you home.


reflections from a magical solo retreat in nature 


Love your Body