Filling my light

I’ve been riding the waves of these mad energies of late. Intense emotions, either extremely high or extremely flat. All of which I know are for my greater good, are teaching me, leading me the way back deeper to myself. A lovely client of mine asked me recently how I’ve been dealing with all of these mad energetic shifts and I felt called to share with you exactly how. 

For me it’s always been about creating space. Space to be. Space to feel. Space to heal. Space to FILL MY LIGHT. This modern life is a lot. SO I’ve been cutting back. Prioritising myself and my needs and this is what that looks like. 

*Syncing my sleep with the sun -yes this means getting up super early and going to bed super early, but! It really settles me, allows me to maximise on sleep and prioritise my nervous system 

*Taking deep breaths before I eat and also eating without distractions to allow myself to fully come into rest and digest 

*And on that vein, maximising on quiet time as much as possible (I used to always have a podcast on, or music on) but now I cherish moments of quiet, so I can hear the whispers of my soul and settle myself 

*Morning pages (writing 2-5 A4 pages freestyle each morning, including my dreams)

*Eating food that will nourish my body AND nourish my soul (yes to chocolate and yes to enjoying a fish finger sandwich + chips for dinner last night)

*Noticing my thoughts with love and allowing myself to FEEL DEEPLY ALL OF THE THINGS 

*Moving my schedule around if it’s looking too packed 

*Ensuring I’m not putting other’s needs before my own (even with the small things)

*Honing my morning and evening routine so I actually look forward to getting up / getting ready for bed 

*Practising my new method to understand the shadow that’s arising inside me (more on this below)

Non of this is prescriptive of course, but I hope it will inspire someone who needs to hear it today. 

On Sunday June 16th I’m launching my new online programme ‘Light + Shadow’. A 3 week course teaching you my new method of how to move through your shadow and into your light. This will be curated for a small group of women and if you’d like to apply then send me a DM and I will send you all the details. 

Pics above all from recent moments of filling my light

To your light rising,

Emily Rose xxx




Finding the balance point