POV: You took a risk


You took a risk, followed your intuition & now work full time in your heart and soul passion guiding others’ home to their light 

I still have to pinch myself that Luna Circle is my full time work. I feel inordinately blessed on the one hand and also incredibly proud on the other. Because it’s not easy. Taking risk after risk, following my intuition when my conscious mind thinks otherwise. But wow, is it worth it. 

I realised recently that I’ve helped so many people over the year take big leaps. Leave careers, start careers, move across the world. And really, what I realise, is that I’m guiding people home to their light. Their true soul essence, that makes them unique, authentic and blissful beyond words. And this purpose is part of my own soul essence, my own light - the reason I was put here on this Earth. 

If you have a niggle that you can move past, or if you’re scared of taking a leap right now I would love to support you. 

My 121 Chakra Healing sessions include my winning method to heal stuck emotions held in the body, so you move forwards and allow your own light to shine through and lead the way. 

Final March sessions left and April availability has just gone live (online/in person).

Sending love,

Emily xxxx




“It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us” Gabrielle Bernstein